Mar/18/10 10:42 AM (From William Pratney, Winkie’s son) Four days ago (Monday) we had a memorial service for my mother's mother's passing. She died at age 90, and had been married to my grandfather for 70 years. At age 94, he is still alive and still lives in his own home. It was good seeing friends and relatives come out. [...]

REMEMBERING EILEEN2017-06-13T19:29:00+00:00

Trip to Fiji – Still Recovering Well

Mar/18/10 (From William Pratney, Winkie’s son) Four days ago (Monday) we had a memorial service for my mother's mother's passing. She died at age 90, and had been married to my grandfather for 70 years. At age 94, he is still alive and still lives in his own home. It was good seeing friends and relatives come out. It's amazing [...]

Trip to Fiji – Still Recovering Well2017-06-13T19:29:00+00:00

Fae’s Mom Died

Feb/13/10 (From William Pratney, Winkie’s son) Hi everyone. My mom asked me to let everyone know that her mum (Eileen Rees-Thomas) passed away just a few days ago, at her nursing home in Wairau Park, New Zealand. She was a blessing to hundreds of people, and shared Christ's love everywhere she went. She died at around 7:00AM, on Friday, February [...]

Fae’s Mom Died2017-06-13T19:29:00+00:00

Dad is Doing Well

Feb/12/10 (From William Pratney, Winkie’s son) Dad is doing well. His cough seems to be improving, now that we've found some stuff at a local health food store that he's started to take. His blood tests came back negative for infection, both viral and bacterial, so that is good news. The doctor thought that one of the blood pressure medications [...]

Dad is Doing Well2013-08-16T14:30:34+00:00

Winkie is Well on His Way to Recovery

Feb/04/10 (From William Pratney, Winkie’s son) I took Winkie in for an MRI a few days ago. They took pictures of his brain. We're still waiting to hear the results. Winkie met with his physical therapist today. She took him through all kinds of tests. She will return again next week. He has also played some tennis, and table tennis [...]

Winkie is Well on His Way to Recovery2017-06-13T19:29:00+00:00

Soon We Hope to Get Winkie On To the Tennis Court

Jan/30/10 01:09 PM (From William Pratney, Winkie’s son) We took Winkie to the Dentist today. We went to see a specialist, a friend he had known for many years. The man really knew what he was talking about. Never seen his equal in dentistry in the South Pacific. So we've lined Winkie up for some basics over the next couple [...]

Soon We Hope to Get Winkie On To the Tennis Court2013-08-16T14:07:01+00:00

Winkie Has Made Some Progress Since Last Week

Jan/24/10 (From William Pratney, Winkie’s son) We just got back from Dale and David Garratt's double 70th birthday celebration, and it was great. What a privilege! Winkie has made some progress since last week, as commented on by both his speech therapist and our herbalist friend Noel Maxwell. A lot more of his long-term memory has come back (I thought [...]

Winkie Has Made Some Progress Since Last Week2017-06-13T19:29:00+00:00

Winkie’s Started to Play Table-Tennis Again

Jan/17/10  (From William Pratney, Winkie’s son) We were visited by YWAM founder Loren and Darlene Cunningham yesterday. It was great for Winkie, going over some of the Revival Study Bible material with them. He and they went over a long list of people they knew from years gone by. So I'm sure that was good for Dad, not only for [...]

Winkie’s Started to Play Table-Tennis Again2017-06-13T19:29:00+00:00

THANK YOU For All the Encouraging Words, Prayers of Faith, and Donations

Jan/13/10 05:19 PM (From William Pratney, Winkie’s son) Okay, so much has happened since my last post! On Saturday, a whole crew of about 14 people came out from His Way Church and helped us with the house and property - water blasting, vacuuming, cleaning, gardening, clearing out trash they were truly a force to be reckoned with! We haven't [...]

THANK YOU For All the Encouraging Words, Prayers of Faith, and Donations2017-06-13T19:29:00+00:00

Winkie Isn’t Doing Very Well: Please Keep Praying

Jan/05/10 (From William Pratney, Winkie’s son) Not a lot to share on the update front at the moment. We've had a fairly steady stream of visitors - some friends came over this evening and made dinner for us. While they were here another friend from His Way came and visited for a while. She prayed for Mom and Dad before [...]

Winkie Isn’t Doing Very Well: Please Keep Praying2017-06-13T19:29:00+00:00

Every Day, God Provides For Us in New Ways

Jan/01/10 (From William Pratney, Winkie’s son) I'm writing this early Saturday morning (Jan. 2), but wanted to say that we had a good day yesterday. Every day, it seems, God provides for us in new ways. Yesterday Dwane and Jenny Newport (and their son) from His Way Church came, bringing my 94-year-old grandfather (who they have helped take care of [...]

Every Day, God Provides For Us in New Ways2013-08-16T13:23:26+00:00
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