
From William (Billy) Pratney: “Mom and I are moving from the hotel we are currently staying at to a guest room located at the University right next to the hospital soon today. So hopefully an internet connection there won’t be a problem. Trevor’s been wonderful. He’s flying back tonight. Dad is undergoing another surgery today: he will have the fluid drained out which they found was surrounding his lungs (not actually in his lungs). They will insert two tubes to drain the fluid out. Complications can include a hemotoma (blood clot). And I don’t have to tell you, we don’t need any complications right now. Dr. Lim says, if there’s one more complication, he doesn’t have a great chance of survival. Please ask everyone to keep praying. He is in another drug-induced coma at the moment, with a fever and high heart rate. Mom, Trevor and I met with Dr. Lim and Dr. Han (the doctor that performed the transverse colon operation). Winkie has thus far had 20cm of bowel removed.” Winkie needs our prayers like never before. There has been improvement, yes, but there’s still more surgery required, and he’s still in a critical condition. I am sure though that you can feel this rising-up of faith stirring your spirit to intercede. Keep praying. Fast if you are able. We love you and thank you for your devotion and your prayers. And THANK YOU Trevor Yaxley! You saw the need and leapt into action without anyone asking anything of you. Your servant heart is undeniable. Israel Anderson