
From Trevor and others…Over the past few days many people have both asked about contributing to Winkie’s expenses and offered to do whatever they can towards meeting them. This is a great encouragement to the Pratney family. We have been endeavouring to ascertain what these expenses are likely to be and quite frankly there are many unknowns. One thing we can say is that they will be considerable. Five weeks of hospital stay could easily total in excess of $US100,000 and we have no idea what to expect for the three surgeries Winkie has already had. It is amazing that a months free accommodation for Fae and William has been offered which will certainly be a great help and the church Winkie was to teach in together with YWAM Korea are both giving sacrificially. Considering that this is the first time Winkie has gone to minister in that nation, this is incredible.We have two major areas of financial need. Firstly, as mentioned here, the whole medical and living needs in Korea and secondly what we would expect to be a considerable period of time for recovery and redirection for Winkie. This will include provision for adequate administrative needs which to date have not been available. We do believe that God has something in mind that none of us fully understand. We also want to give God’s people the opportunity to become partners with whatever is on His heart for Winkie’s healing, restoration and future ministry. Whatever we suggest we only want to co-operate with what the Holy Spirit is leading.Considering the thousands of churches worldwide that have benefited from Winkie’s ministry we suggest that this is a good time and opportunity for the Body of Christ to join together in this giving. Here are a few suggestions.* Church Pastors, can you take up a special offering for Winkie’s healing and recovery during a Sunday service?* Conference organisers especially those who have been recipients of Winkie’s ministry and books. Include an offering from those who participate many of whom would want to show support.* Festival leaders.. Winkie has been so faithful at so many of these festivals for years in the USA, UK and Australia. Can a special offering be taken at the festival or can you email concerning these financial needs to your em-lists now…The “How To Give” tab gives information concerning where and how to give.Please join with God’s people now and see His plan unfold for this man of God for the future. Posted by Israel Anderson