
“Dad’s doing alright. He’s still recovering. At the moment, he’s still regaining the use of his left hand. His wound is still healing, and it hurts him to stand or walk completely upright. He’s also on antibiotics as they’ve recently found fluid around his left lung and that his wound wasn’t doing so well- apparently it was gaping and the top layer of skin had come off. What happened is, a relative that’s been helping us came to visit. She checked his wound and found it wasn’t in such a good state. I was out at the time and had the car, but she was able to take him in and have someone look at him. They did an X-ray and found fluid near his left lung. The person who saw him has recommended no lifting, no exercising and has prescribed a broad-spectrum heavy sulphar drug that is supposed to clear up both the infection and the fluid near his lung.” William Pratney

Posted by Israel Anderson