
Pratney family update: “Thank you first off to all who are standing with us for Winkie. Your emails, donations, prayers and cards show us the great love that is out there for Winkie, and how much he and his family mean to the Body of Christ. For cards and letters of sympathy, I am still in the process of verifying the correct address for the place where we are staying.Winkie’s condition is at the moment, stable. He is neither digressing nor progressing. Praise God that he’s not digressing, but progress at this time is crucial. Please continue to pray. Mom (Fae) and I (William) spoke at Harvest Shalom Church this morning. They gave us the service. Mom preached on hope, and I followed her with a message emphasizing the ascension of Christ to heaven and His inevitable return. I closed with an altar call for first time commitments to Christ Quite a few responded (although, not all, I am quite sure, were first time responders). Later, Mom and I went to the college and career age group BBQ where I spent time with the youth group and she spent time with our new friend Young Shin Kim (a YWAMer) and others there. The BBQ was held at the home of one of the elders in the church. This church has been amazing. They have helped us in every way. The youth pastor invited me to speak to the youth group (ages 18-30, roughly) the following Sunday. Praise God! Even in the midst of this pain, He is opening up ministry oportunities and providing for us. Hallelujah! Mom and I are doing quite well. Thank you for your prayers of faith.” Posted by Israel Anderson