
Message from Trevor Yaxley, who is with Fae Pratney in South Korea. We were able to spend two hours today with Mr. Lim the Christian heart surgeon who is heading up the team here. He has been overseeing all that is going on with Winkie and seems to be directing everything. He has been present at the surgeries and said that he has felt God’s presence continually. His prayer has been “God cover Winkie with the blood of Jesus and carry him through this.” He said whilst they were operating on Sunday he was there and was very stressed, but then the presence of God came and he felt” VERY happy” were his words. “All the stress lifted”.We have been with Winkie and prayed three times today adding our prayers to ALL those around the world at this time who are standing together for Winkie’s miracle and once again felt the presence of God very strongly. There is such an amazing peace in the ICU.Now for the detail…firstly the fever he had yesterday has now subsided, (Wonderful) our prayers are working. I know we all will keep praying too. Both his Kidneys and liver are functioning normally now, however he is still on the dialysis machine. He remains on the respirator but every now and again helps the machine with some of his own breathing. He is still in the drug induced coma, but is looking much more peaceful and has some colour back in his face. He is also VERY swollen but Mr. Lim says that is OK they can deal with that later. He has 4 drains from his bowel (two from each side) and what is now draining is clear without infection. Another big step forward.YES!!Mr. Lim said that Winkie is still in a dangerous condition until they can get his bowel working on its own and then start to take him off the respirator. He said this is the next BIG prayer need. Once he is off this machine the healing will start to progress much better as there will be far less drugs going into his system.They have stopped all the drugs that were keeping his blood pressure up and we are thrilled to report that he is now maintaining almost normal blood pressure on his own. But Mr. Lim was careful to say that he is still not out of the woods and has a long way to go. So we need to keep the prayers of the saints going strong. He said yesterday morning was “very dangerous’ and although he has today moved forward there is still many things to consider. His says, “He is still in a dangerous position” . However, he was in faith for God to provide all that is necessary for his full and complete recovery. This man is a God sent inspiration, his pastor told me this afternoon that he (Mr. Lim) has the gift of healing through his hands. We are praying. “God strengthen the works of his hands”.One noticeable change today was that there is a tangible lift in the faith of all those who are around him both Christian and non Christian. I know this sounds unusual but that is what is happening.The Church have found a great Hotel not too far away from the hospital for Fae and Billy- who we are picking up at the airport tomorrow at 4.45 p.m. I am going up with one of the YWAM guys who doesn’t speak English but knows the way fine.Well that’s it for today. Catch up tomorrow again with more good news for us all I am sure. God is surely on the move.END.Posted by Israel Anderson